If you've been following the worldwide phenomenon that is Game of Thrones (GOT), then you know that as spectacular as episode seven - Season seven was, it certainly had a number of mind boggling events take place (some highlighted in my review), which prompted many questions from its fan base.
In response to a Vox.com article titled: Game of Thrones season 7: we have 27 questions about the White Walker battle in “Beyond the Wall” I decided to give 27 answers to these, it isn't a slight or subversion of their questions but simply my attempt to answer them. In the end it's all good fun and shows how passionate GOT fans are about what they love and how lucky we are to have a show that stimulates and incites minds the way it has, so in the spirit of gamesmanship here are my answers to the aforementioned article, enjoy!


Note: Weighty questions are highlighted in Blue ❄❄❄. Answers are in Red🔥🔥🔥
  1. Instead of Jon leading a ranging party north of the Wall to aimlessly search for a wight to capture and deliver to Cersei, why didn’t Dany just scout out the White Walkers from the air, on her dragons? Cause she also wasn’t 100% convinced and it would be some folly to venture aimlessly into the unknown.
  2. Alternately, why didn’t Dany escort the party to help them capture the wight? Same as above.
  3. Why didn’t anyone in Jon’s party appear to bring any food or other supplies, or bother more appropriate winter gear (namely: hats)? We don’t know that, there must have been supplies in the bags at least, plus the wildlings were dragging a sled with some load on it, could have been supplies. @Hats, ever asked why some Nightswatch men at the Wall or wildlings who live beyond the wall wear don't wear hats or hoodies despite the freezing temperatures? It’s a preference thing.
  4. Who truly believes that seeing a wight will actually convince Cersei to join Jon and Daenerys in battling the White Walkers? I totally agree! Tyrion should know better, guess he isn’t so smart after all.
  5. Has anyone pointed out to Jon and Dany that Cersei technically has her own wight bodyguard? Like, maybe Jaime could have mentioned as much when he met with Tyrion about this very plan? Qyburn tells Cersei that Ser Robert Strong (The Mountain’s new identity) has taken a vow of silence till all her enemies are dead, a story that he’s probably told others, so they don’t know he’s a zombie, so to speak.
  6. Shouldn’t Tyrion, at the very least, know better than to bet so much on appealing to Cersei Lannister’s humanity? Same as question four.
  7. Why didn’t the group bring a raven with them to send a message back to Eastwatch in the event of trouble? Cause it would freeze to death! We’ve seen ravens fly beyond the wall before, however it’s not their habitual territory and if they were to perhaps cage one on the mission beyond the wall it would die in those freezing conditions.
  8. Wasn’t it really, um, convenient to have the ice break just in time to stop the wights? And for Jon and his buddies to end up on a perfectly placed island? It was, but just go with this one okay?
  9. Why didn’t the Night King just use his ice javelins against Jon, Jorah, Tormund, and the rest of the wight hunters while they were stranded on an island in the middle of the lake? Was he playing a longer game to lure Dany out? Not his style; he's a patient one (if you haven't noticed he's been marching on the wall for seven seasons a few more hours wouldn't hurt). An impromptu action, he only got aggravated when he realized he was losing his army. Also, presumably He didn’t know about Dany until she showed up.
  10. Why didn’t the Night King first try to kill the dragon that Dany — and eventually the rescued members of Jon’s party — was riding? Assuming that what he really wanted a zombified dragon, wouldn’t it make more sense to start with the biggest of the three and the easiest one to hit? Well…who knows, preference perhaps? maybe he always wanted a smaller cream gold dragon.
  11. Why didn’t Dany or anybody else try to kill the Night King? Only Dany could have realistically tried but her priority was rescuing the suicide squad, besides she hadn’t seen the Night King before and wouldn’t have been able to identify him from up there, and after you saw what he did to one Dragon would you stay and fight?
  12. Why did Dany bring all three dragons beyond the wall, when she only used one against the Lannister army? Gendry didn’t know how many undead were coming, so he couldn’t have warned her of the massive army. Good question, however I think she didn’t bring them along for the Loot Train Attack to avoid friendly fire. The Dragons presumably need riders to efficiently distinguish between foe and friend.
  13. Jon and Dany have an essentially unlimited supply of dragonglass now, right? Why didn’t they bring dragonglass arrows, to kill White Walkers with from a distance? Good question, although it could be argued that they haven’t had time to forge the weapons or even know how to.
  14. How was Gendry able to run all the way to Eastwatch, however far that was, in what appears to be record time? I totally agree, this was absolutely absurd!
  15. While we’re at it, how did Gendry even know where to run after fresh snow wiped out Jon and co.’s tracks, especially since Gendry had never even experienced snow before, period? Same answer as question 14.
  16. How the hell did a raven travel the 2,000 miles from Eastwatch to Dragonstone in less than a day? If it took 12 hours, and the raven never stopped to rest, that’s a 167-mph raven. Same answer as question 14.
  17. And even if it did take more than a day, how did the men not end up like poor Thoros before the hour Daenerys swooped in? I agree! Exposure to that kind of cold for so long could have killed them.
  18. Could Jon really not break away from the fight to get on the dragon with everybody else? Could he? You saw that swarm of wights man, Incorrigible bastards!
  19. How did Jon survive his plunge into the icy lake water at the hands of the wights, let alone pull himself out while bogged down by soaking wet clothing? It’s not impossible plus he’s Jon fucking Snow!
  20. And how did he manage to then ride a horse back to Eastwatch while barely conscious (and also bogged down by soaking wet clothing)? Same as above.
  21. Why didn’t Benjen show up earlier in the battle against the Night King? The last time he suddenly appeared to help a fellow Stark, he said that the Three-Eyed Raven had sent him; presumably that means Bran sent him to help Jon. But does that mean that Bran didn’t dispatch Benjen until Jon was stranded, dripping wet, and being chased by wights? Cut Benjen some slack, at least he showed up, besides he may have been far off when he got the message or heard the raucous. There’s also the cinematic effect late saves have.
  22. Where even was Benjen, before showing up to rescue Jon out of nowhere? Same as above.
  23. How did thousands of supposedly terrifying and powerful wights not manage to kill anyone except anonymous redshirt wildings? Not likely, but not impossible is it?
  24. Where did the Night King acquire giant, industrial-strength chains that he could use for hauling a dead dragon out of a freezing lake? I’m dead 😂😂😂 no reasonable explanation here.
  25. And if he didn’t just find them somewhere, how did he forge them? We don’t know exactly what the White Walkers’ relationship to fire is; we know they don’t like it, but have shown to have a bit of resistance to it (like when the Night King walked through it to kill the Children of the Forest). We do know the wights are killed by fire. It seems implausible that the White Walkers would have been able to create those giant chains without help from their undead army, but how exactly would they have done it? wait...no, I still have nothing 😂😂😂.
  26. Who jumped into the freezing lake to attach the giant chains to the submerged dragon body — the wights that previously wouldn’t enter the water? The magical appearance of the chains aside, to be fair to the Director, he didn’t show the entire dragon corpse submerge beneath the lake, it might have still had body parts on the surface which the chains were then attached to.
  27. And last but definitely not least: Why did no one, out of everyone in this entire all-star war council, realize how dumb the whole “capture a wight” plan was from the start? Blame it on Tyrion...or the alcohol.
