It's the maiden edition of  Factoryreject's GOT review, hopefully the first of many or thirteen (13) to come as the case may be, so join me to discuss and peel back on probably the best thing on Television right now, It's my first series review and expectedly will be going down a little differently than a feature length, I'll be reviewing pivotal moments on the episode, infusing fan theories, speculations, my own gut feelings and how these may turn out in the episodes to come, so by the Old Gods and the New, lets make like Theon Greyjoy and dive in.


Varys: An Eunuch's Motive
Ever since Varys visited Ned Stark in the Dungeons of King's landing and when Ned asked who he truly served, to which he coyly replied "The Realm" I have wondered what the Master of Spies meant by those words, however Daenerys' grilling interrogation of the Eunuch finally revealed all, and in a shocking turn of events it turns out he was telling the truth, much like Bane in The Dark Knight Rises he does it for 'The People' and is prepared to die for it. Daenerys' demands that he tells her whenever she begins to fail the people and then threatens to burn him alive right after, if he ever betrayed her, threats which may scare more complete men, but something tells me that would never stop Varys from doing what he must, I''ll tell you one thing though, for a man with no balls he sure has big ones!

Arya Stark's brief Reunions
Everyone's favourite femme fatale was on her way to King's Landing to finally scratch off Cersei's name of her 'list' when she ran into an old friend - Hot pie, it was an awkward one, with Arya baring no resemblance to the 'little girl' Hot pie knew in the earlier seasons, she's a bit distant and not exactly jumping for joy to see her old acquaintance, I guess it just shows how much Arya has changed and how far she's come since then, its a wicked world out there and she knows it all too well, nothing surprises her and having little emotions might just keep you alive that longer,...nothing, except the news that Jon Snow is now the King in the North that is. Her second reunion was one which was teased in the Season 7 trailers and which I've been dreaming of since Season 1; the return of her Direwolf , Nymeria and as much as I wanted so much for Nymeria to jump into Arya's welcoming hands and roll playfully in the dirt it makes more sense that she wouldn't, after all she's been in the wild for years and she's a wild animal before she's anything else, so it might take a while before she roams back to Winterfell but with the show's fondness for killing off Direwolves who's to say she ever will. I hope to see Nymeria again though, I just love those damn Direwolves 😟 *fingers crossed*. Also can't help thinking how fast the war would have ended if Hot pie just kept his pie hole shut and Arya went on with her business of killing the Queen.

Daenerys Targaryen: Failed to take the initiative
We all guessed Daenerys wasn't going to jump right into war (what good would that do the plot?) but in heeding her Hand, Tyrion's advice and aiming to do things the right way; the honorable way (if only she could ask Ned and Robb Stark how that went for them) , the young Targaryen by defacto has suffered her first defeat of the great battle, with Euron Greyjoy's Iron fleet intercepting and decimating Yara and Theon's fleet on their mission to Dorne. It would be interesting to see how the self proclaimed mother of Dragons reacts to this after her little talk with Olenna Tyrell, will she breath fire? Also Tyrion looked way too serious at the war council meeting, relax bro it's just war.

Ellaria Sand and The Sand Snakes; Lost in the Sands of Time?
Since their introduction the Sand Snakes have never commanded much screen time, a trend that became less likely at the end of this episode, to think that just moments before their untimely deaths, Obara and Nymeria Sand were debating which one of the Lannisters they would kill, Nymeria vying to have The Mountain to herself...shame she couldn't make it past Euron Greyjoy. Obara and her sister for all their hard talk are easily disposed of by the King of Pyke, a move which aimed to show Euron's prowess in battle but badly understated the capabilities of Oberyn Martell's offspring; a disappointing outcome, that for me, seems rushed and serves nothing more than a quick way to dispose of characters as the show begins to wind up, but then again you have to ask why Nymeria gon bring a whip to a swordfight? Luckily or unluckily for Tyene she's taken alive (a status that won't likely last for long) along with her mother Ellaria no doubt part of the gift package Euron will offer Cersei for her hand in marriage. At this point it's safe to assume that the Dornish rebellion may have ended before it even began.

Euron Fucking Greyjoy!!!
What a Beast!, we all heard of how Big Bad Euron was going to outdo Joffrey and Ramsay in the cruel character department and boy whaadaya know, he seems to be getting warmed up - with two Sand Snake kills under his belt (Nymeria and Obara) and the capture of his niece Yara, you certainly don't wanna bet against this guy in a fight, I do believe he lacks a certain depth though that his predecessors had, and I'm afraid the showrunners just felt the need to give us someone to hate (as if Cersei and Littlefinger weren't doing fine already) or perhaps we just haven't seen him on screen long enough, either way Euron Greyjoy is certainly one to look out for now that he'll be returning to King's Landing bearing gifts, could we be looking at the next King of Westeros, if Cersei doesn't play him like a fiddle, which she most certainly will, I mean it's Cersei!

The Greyjoys; The Eunuch and The Queen
You know when you're about to have a great time and you think of all the things that could possible prevent that from happening?...Yara Greyjoy definitely didn't even have the chance to, before her fleet is attacked then later decimated by her Uncle's much stronger Iron fleet. Yara and Theon fight bravely but its just too little to change the tide and after the destruction of her fleet, slaughter of  two Sand Snakes and the capture of Tyene and Ellaria Sand, Yara could possibly call it the worst day of her life and that's even before she is captured by Euron and watches Theon cower, have a Reek moment and abandon ship...(wise lad, at least he'll live to fight another day). It wont be far from a safe bet to say that Yara and the other prisoners wont be alive for much longer.

Greyworm and Missandei Make Love or something like that
Aaah so finally the man without a penis lay with the most beautiful woman in Dragonstone (yes I said it!), life certainly plays those kind of cruel jokes and boy did it do just that for poor Greyworm, the romance between these two has been budding since they met so it was good to finally just get it done with despite the obvious missing 'component', this scene was really nothing more than a filler for the 59  minutes run time, there wasn't much to take from here except the fact that Nathalie Emmanuel has the body of a goddess and Greyworm at least, still has his tongue.😝

Samuel Tarly you stupid, stupid boy
Samuel Tarly's father might be a cruel man, but there are sometimes I wonder if Sam was my own child that I wouldn't trust myself not to do the same and send his ass to the wall. Once again Sam shows his penchant for doing that which does not concern him, I mean seriously? trying to cure greyscale!? I only hope he doesn't get afflicted in his attempt to cure Ser Jorah Mormont, but then again isn't life full of cruel ironies and if there's one thing Game of Thrones does very well its that it imitates those cruel ironies very very well.

Jon Snow: A Northern King Rides South Again
Jon Snow sometimes seems like a man who's eager to die quickly, I guess there's nothing to it once you've done it before, plus I probably would if I had seen what he has and know what's coming, but unfortunately for Jon, not many have, and so will not understand his motivations, however I do worry that he hasn't learned from his lessons and despite it all remains a good man, when we all know what happens to good men in Westeros. In heeding Daenerys' call with the true motive of securing Dragonglass and leaving Winterfell to Sansa and the treacherous Littlefinger still lingering there, I fear that the King in North may have moved the wrong piece on this chess board. It remains to be seen if he will bend the knee at Dragonstone, a move his countrymen will not be too happy with, but Jon Snow has a track record for following the least popular opinion.

What did you think about our first GOT review? and is there anything we missed that you think is up for a healthy discussion, please drop a comment and share if you did like. Till next time on episode 3- The Queen's Justice.


  1. Well said! Binge watching this would have been so good..but I just keep getting pulled in...Season 7 is just getting started and the potential is absolutely immense.

    1. Binge watching sounds like hopeful thinking right now bra, spoilers everywhere lol, I like that it's going to be fast paced and explosive although I worry that the writing might be getting weaker now that the series are way ahead of the books.

  2. Good write up!


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